As of September 2020, I have published 40 papers (39 journal articles and one conference paper), including 7 as first and 5 as senior author. My work has been cited 348 times, my h-index is 9, and my i10-index is 9 (Google Scholar profile). The full text of most of these publications is available through University of Liège’s institutional repository (ORBI). If not, contact me to get a copy.
Boulart C., Rouxel O., Scalabrin C., Le Meur P., Pelleter E., Poitrimol C., Thiebaut E., Matabos M., Castel J., Tran Lu Y A., Michel L. N., Cathalot C., Cheron S., Boissier A., Germain Y., Guyader V., Arnaud-Haon S., Bonhomme F., Broquet T., Cueff-Gauchard V., Le Layec V., L’Haridon S., Mary J., Le Port A.-S., Tasiemski A., Kuama D. C., Hourdez S., Jollivet D
Active hydrothermal vents in the Woodlark Basin may act as dispersing centres for hydrothermal fauna.
Communications Earth & Environment, 3: 64.
Steiner N. S., Bowman J., Campbell K., Chierici M., Eronen-Rasimus E., Falardeau M., Flores H., Fransson A., Herr H., Insley S. J., Kauko H. M., Lannuzel D., Loseto L., Lynnes A., Majewski A., Meiners K. M., Miller L. A., Michel L. N., Moreau S., Nacke M., Nomura D., Tedesco L., van Franeker J. A., van Leeuwe M. A., Wongpan P
Climate change impacts on sea-ice ecosystems and associated ecosystem services.
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9 (1): 00007.
Couturier L. I. E.*, Michel L. N.*, Amaro T., Budge S. M., da Costa E., De Troch M., Di Dato V., Fink P., Giraldo C., Le Grand F., Loaiza I., Mathieu-Resuge M., Nichols P. D., Parrish C. C., Sardenne F., Vagner M., Pernet F., Soudant P
State of the art and best practices for fatty acid analyses in aquatic sciences.
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77 (7-8): 2375-2395. Paper selected as Editor’s Choice. *Shared first authorship.
Saucède T., Guillaumot C., Michel L. N., Fabri-Ruiz S., Bazin A., Cabessut M., García-Berro A., Mateos A., Mathieu O., De Ridder C., Dubois P., Danis B., David B., Díaz A., Lepoint G., Motreuil S., Poulin E., Féral J.-P
Modeling species response to climate change in Sub-Antarctic islands: Echinoids as a case study for the Kerguelen Plateau.
In: Welsford, D., J. Dell and G. Duhamel (Eds). The Kerguelen Plateau: marine ecosystem and fisheries. Proceedings of the Second Symposium: 95-116.
Giakoumi S., Halpern B. S., Michel L. N., Gobert S., Sini M., Boudouresque C.-F., Gambi M.-C., Katsanevakis S., Lejeune P., Montefalcone M., Pergent G., Pergent-Martini C., Sanchez-Jerez P., Velimirov B., Vizzini S., Abadie A., Coll M., Guidetti P., Micheli F., Possingham H. P
Towards a framework for assessment and management of cumulative human impacts on marine food webs.
Conservation Biology 29 (4): 1228-1234.