New paper in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
New paper in collaboration with our Brazilian colleagues! This one is entitled “ Use of multielement stable isotope ratios to investigate ontogenetic movements of Micropogonias furnieri in a tropical Brazilian estuary” and was lead by Carolina Pizzochero. We used stable isotope ratios of C, N and S to track habitat use by whitemouth croakers (a commercially important fish from Southeastern Brazil) throughout their life. It’s the lead author’s first paper, so congrats Carolina! You can read the paper here:
[caption id="attachment_372” align="aligncenter” width="2600”] Diagram summarising the hypothesized whitemouth croaker, Micropogonias furnieri, habitat shift in Guanabara Bay over the fish growth. Three regions are indicated: A, inner bay; B, entrance of the bay; C, continental shelf waters.[/caption]