Chubacarc cruise - 06/05-07/06/19

From 06/05 to 07/06, I took part in the second leg of the Chubacarc research cruise. Onboard RV L’Atalante, we spent 4 (intense) weeks sampling fauna in deep-sea hydrothermal vents from back-arc basins in the Pacific Ocean. The campaign was a success, as we not only come home with hundreds of samples, but also discovered a new vent field (stay tuned for more info about that soon-ish). I learned a lot of new things, as it was my first deep-sea cruise, and my first time sampling with a ROV. I could not have hoped for a better first experience,  and I’m grateful to fellow scientists, but also to the ROV staff and ship crew for their crucial part in the mission’s smooth operations. Check out the Chubacarc cruise blog: (French only, sorry).

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