
Jean Lebrun award

Christmas came early this year, and apparently I was on the right list, as the Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium awarded me the 2021 Jean Lebrun prize for my work on impacts of anthropogenic impacts on ecosystem functioning, and my contribution to the study of marine food webs. This triennial prize, awarded for the 12th time since its creation in 1986, rewards research work performed in the field of ecology and/or biogeography.

Introducing Dr. Le Bourg

Today, Baptiste Le Bourg successfully defended his PhD thesis, entitled “Trophic ecology of Southern Ocean sea stars: Influence of environmental drivers on trophic diversity”. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the viva was held online. Despite the seemingly unavoidable technical issues, Baptiste did a great job, and both the new Dr. Le Bourg and his supervisors ( Gilles Lepoint and I) are very happy about the outcome. Baptiste’s thesis is freely available at http://hdl.

New website

I thought that it was past time to dust off my old wordpress website. I’ve decided to transition to a github-hosted hugo site, and built this one using the Academic theme by George Cushen, which I cannot recommend warmly enough. It took me a while to adapt, but luckily there are many high-quality learning resources out there, making the process rather painless. This new website is still under construction, and it might therefore look a bit rough around some edges, or contain a few dead links.